The Commercial Real Estate Appraiser

The Commercial Real Estate Appraiser Ascertaining a fair value for the property under examination is the goal of the Real Estate Appraiser . Conducting such valuation is an arduous, complex task. To begin with, every unique feature such as location, lot size, floor plan, and amenities of the property has to be valued for and possibly using differing methodology. While the market value approach is suitable for location and such; there may be insufficient data in which case correlations from elsewhere are imported into the computational mix. While the cost-plus approach may be suitable for amenities – corresponding data has to be collated and calculated thereof. And should the income capitalization approach also be employed for an additional perspective. Further to be included into the valuation mix, are factors like supply and demand; trends in a given region (and comparisons with elsewhere); projections about the future and even social considerations. Examples: ...